
How to prepare for Exam? EXAM PREPARATION 101 FOR NCMCians




The key to passing tests is to study and prepare.

However, until you have some expertise, it can be tough to know how to handle your preparation period.

To assist people who are still quite new to tests, especially our Freshmen,  this post provides some suggestions that are based on knowledge and experienced discretion.

Some of these suggestions emphasize the value of taking care of yourself and seem to be "common sense." Others focus more on your study methods.

Both are crucial and will aid in your ability to both study more effectively and perform better on the test.

  1. Get a head start on revising.

Starting your revision process early is essential.

You must allow yourself enough time to thoroughly analyze and comprehend all you have learned (or to read round the subject or ask for help if you are struggling). Cramming at the last minute is far less effective.

Revision will be a lot easier if you review each subject as you go and make sure you thoroughly understand it.

The best advice is to study diligently and thoroughly, and the best way to do this is to begin early.

  1. Plan out when you'll study.

There's a good chance that some topics will be simpler for you than others. Additionally, you'll discover that some subjects require more revision than others.

Planning your revision and estimating how much time you could need for each subject is time well spent.

It is also beneficial to think about the time and duration of your daily study sessions. How much time can you realistically manage every day? What additional obligations do you have during this time of study?

Plan your revision so that you may make the most of your time. Which part of the day—morning, afternoon, or evening—do you prefer most? Can you read more frequently at certain times?

This will enable you to establish a general plan for what you intend to do, however you should always leave room for adaptation in case circumstances change.

  1. Take care of oneself when studying and taking exams.

If you maintain a good diet and receive plenty of rest, you will be able to perform more effectively.

This holds true both when you are studying and during the exam period. Junk food is not a good way to get by. Sleep is important.

Exercise on a regular basis is also advised when studying. A quick stroll or other form of exercise that increases your heart rate will help you to become more alert.

  1. Change up your revision methods.

Variety is said to be the flavor of life, and it unquestionably enhances learning.

Constantly performing the same thing, like going through your notes on a subject, is probably fairly boring. By experimenting with various exercises and strategies, you can liven up your study hour. Reading through your notes is an alternative that includes:

    • completing practice papers and questions to assess your understanding (if you ask nicely, your lecturers or tutors will usually be more than pleased to mark these for you);

To test your memory, create mind maps or other summary diagrams, then compare the results to your notes. Take note of any details you missed or any gaps, then go back and reread those areas; and

assembling a group of friends to hold a discussion on a certain topic or subject.

  1. Alter your locations

It's also a good idea to switch up where you study, whether it's in your room, a quiet café, a school or college library, or someone else's home.

According to research, this can enhance memory recall. Although the reason why the brain generates links between the background and the material being studied and the more connections there are, the easier it is to recall the material.

  1. Take periodic pauses.

Work cannot be continuous for eight hours. In actuality, working intently for longer than an hour is quite difficult. Take ten minutes every so often to have a drink and go about.

  1. Know your exam

Make sure you've reviewed previous papers.

This will guarantee that you are ready for every exam format, whether it be a multiple-choice, short-answer, or essay exam.

Understand what is expected of you, such as how many questions from each area you must respond to. This will give you a better idea of what to expect while you still need to read the directions on the page and confirm that they are the same.

Even more crucially, make sure you have practiced the right types of questions and are aware of what constitutes a "good" and "poor" response.

  1. Make sure you are familiar with the details of your exam.

For instance:

Where will it take place?

When should you arrive and what time does it start?

What time will you need to leave if you need to go a distance?

What must you bring with you?

Additionally, make sure you are prepared for the worst-case scenario. If you fall sick that day or your trip is delayed, for instance, you'll need to know who to call.

Spend some time making sure you are familiar with the answers to all of these questions at least one week prior.

This will reduce the risk of things going wrong while also assisting you in maintaining a certain level of relaxation and ensuring that you are prepared should something go wrong.


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