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NCMC CUPS & CAREERS: A Coffee Talk with Maam Jasmin Joy Fellesco - A Resounding Success!

Mar 22, 2024

NCMC CUPS & CAREERS: A Coffee Talk with Maam Jasmin Joy Fellesco - A Resounding Success!

On March 22, 2024, the NCMC Gymnasium buzzed with activity as the College of Hospitality Management (CHM) hosted a successful "Cups & Careers: Coffee Talk" event. This insightful and engaging initiative, organized by the NCMC Alumni Associations and the CHM department, brought together current students, faculty members, and a distinguished guest speaker: Maam Jasmin Joy Fellesco.

The program itself was a well-rounded experience for attendees. It featured inspirational talks from esteemed college leaders:

  • Maam Rubyrosa Luna, VP-Academic Affairs, offered words of wisdom and guidance, undoubtedly motivating students on their academic journeys.
  • Maam Lynn Sanes, VP-Admin, provided valuable insights on the importance of effective administration in the hospitality industry.
  • Maam Ma. Cristina Abella, VP-Student Affairs, fostered a welcoming environment where students could feel comfortable asking questions and engaging with the speaker.

The presence of the HM department faculty further enriched the event. Their expertise and experience in the field undoubtedly added depth to the discussions.

A Cup of Inspiration with Maam Jasmin Joy Fellesco

The highlight of the event was, of course, the coffee talk with Maam Jasmin Joy Fellesco. Her success story in the hospitality industry undoubtedly served as a source of inspiration for the HM students present. Her insights, coupled with the informal and interactive nature of the coffee talk format, created a space for open dialogue and valuable learning.

Grateful Hearts

The NCMC community extends its heartfelt gratitude to the following:

  • The NCMC Alumni Associations for their continued support and for spearheading this initiative.
  • The CHM department for organizing this insightful event.
  • Maam Jasmin Joy Fellesco for sharing her valuable experience and wisdom with the students.
  • Our refreshment partner, Dash Coffee, for providing delicious beverages that fueled the engaging discussions.

The CUPS & Careers Initiative: Building Bridges

The "Cups & Careers: Coffee Talk" initiative is a brilliant concept. By creating a platform for informal interaction between students and successful alumni, it fosters a sense of connection and mentorship. Students gain invaluable insights into the realities of the hospitality industry, while alumni have the opportunity to give back to their alma mater.

This event was a resounding success, and we eagerly await future installments of the "Cups & Careers" series!

Calendar of Events

Jul 27 - Jul 27, 2024

Last day of Enrolment for 1st Semester S.Y. 2024-2025

Jul 29 - Jul 29, 2024

First Day of Class 1st Semester 2024

Jul 29 - Aug 02, 2024

Adding and Dropping of Courses 1st Semester 2024-2025

Aug 19 - Aug 24, 2024

Payment Days for Prelims 1st Semester 2024-2025

Jun 24 - Jun 24, 2024

Start of Enrollment for Incoming 2nd Year Tertiary Level 2024-2025

Aug 27 - Aug 30, 2024

PRELIM EXAMINATIONS 1st Semester 2024-2025